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WSL2 (without Docker)

If you use WSL with Docker, please check out the Docker Setup.

You can use Tinkerwell with WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) via SSH. Tinkerwell does not support WSL1.

Use this connection in the SSH connection manager:

  • Host:
  • Port: 2222
  • Username: Use your WSL2 username
  • Application Folder: path/to/your/project
  • Authentication Method: Password
  • Password: Your-WSL-Password

Mandatory Configuration

Tinkerwell needs SSH in WSL and a correctly configured firewall. If the connection does not work with the connection details above, check if your settings match the configuration below.

Install OpenSSH in WSL2:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

Since Windows 10 might use port 22, you need to change the port that Tinkerwell uses for connecting via SSH into WSL2. To do that, we need to edit our SSH configuration.

You can change the configuration with nano by typing sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Change the port and the authentication method of the SSH server:

Port 2222
PasswordAuthentication yes

This change requires an open port 2222 in the Windows firewall. Perform this steps to open it:

  • In the Windows Start menu, type WF.msc
  • Click on Inbound Rules
  • Click on New Rule
  • Select Port from the type of rules you would like to create.
  • Select TCP to what this rule apply to.
  • Type 2222 in Specific local ports
  • Select Allow the connection
  • Select all boxed to When does this rule apply?
  • Give it a name and you are ready to go!

To accept these changes, you need to restart the SSH server.

sudo service ssh --full-restart

Test the changes by connecting via SSH.

ssh [email protected] -p 2222

In case the connection does not work, make sure to start the SSH server if it does not start automatically on restart.

sudo service ssh start