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Tinkerwell License Extension

Tinkerwell Lifetime Upgrade

Renew your license now in order to receive updates until {{ formatDate(license.valid_until) }}.
Renew your license now in order to access all updates that we will ever release.
Extend your Tinkerwell license for another year and receive all updates and new features that we release during that time. Over the last 12 months, we have released 20+ updates of Tinkerwell with new amazing features and improvements.
All prices displayed in USD

Calculated at next step

You can add your company information and VAT number on the payment screen.

Thank you for updating your Tinkerwell license ❤️!
We are processing your payment and it usually takes 1-2 minutes until your license is extended. Please support us during that time and leave a review that we can display on our website.

You'll be in good company

Benjamin Crozat, Indie Hacker & Blogger
“Tinkerwell allows me to prototype ideas in the most efficient way possible. I feel like my life was different before it.”
Benjamin Crozat

Indie Hacker & Blogger

Dom Thomas, Developer
“Since I use Tinkerwell, my productivity has increased, it saves me a lot of time and more and more with each new version.”
Dom Thomas


Mark Pruitt, Sr. Engineer Web Services
“I love being able to save code as snippets or files for reuse. Having multiple tabs allows me to do what I can't in a single tinker session. Remote ssh allows me to use it on stage and production servers as well, instead of tinker.”

Mark Pruitt

Sr. Engineer Web Services

Jeffrey Ponsen, Senior Software Engineer
“Tinkerwell is awesome. It saves me a lot of time during the day. Quickly need to test a new function? Got it. Switch between multiple projects? Got it.”
Jeffrey Ponsen

Senior Software Engineer

Please provide your license key

The given license key is invalid.️ {{ errorMessage }}

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