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Tinkerwell License Extension

Tinkerwell Lifetime Upgrade

Renew your license now in order to receive updates until {{ formatDate(license.valid_until) }}.
Renew your license now in order to access all updates that we will ever release.
Extend your Tinkerwell license for another year and receive all updates and new features that we release during that time. Over the last 12 months, we have released 20+ updates of Tinkerwell with new amazing features and improvements.
All prices displayed in USD

Calculated at next step

You can add your company information and VAT number on the payment screen.

Thank you for updating your Tinkerwell license ❤️!
We are processing your payment and it usually takes 1-2 minutes until your license is extended. Please support us during that time and leave a review that we can display on our website.

You'll be in good company

Jake Bennett, Director of Technology and Innovation
“The ability to SSH directly into a server and run diagnostics directly from Tinkerwell is insanely amazing! Can't imagine doing development without it at this point.”
Jake Bennett

Director of Technology and Innovation

Gilbert Pellegrom, CTO at Lemon Squeezy
“Tinkerwell quickly became an essential part of my daily Laravel workflow. It’s easily the biggest upgrade to my dev experience in years.”

Gilbert Pellegrom

CTO at Lemon Squeezy

Tony Lea, Developer at Cirricula
“Pretty rad man. With the auto reload functionality as I type, it makes it easy to debug a lot of the logic in my apps. Very well done.”

Tony Lea

Developer at Cirricula

Ahmet Barut, Laravel Developer
“I have been using it for a long time, trying out new codes and working in an integrated way with Laravel has made my job a lot easier.”
Ahmet Barut

Laravel Developer

Please provide your license key

The given license key is invalid.️ {{ errorMessage }}

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