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Project-specific PHP

By default, Tinkerwell uses the PHP binary that is available in the settings of your Tinkerwell app. However, you can also use a project-specific PHP binary. This is useful if you want to use a different PHP version for a specific project.

Local applications

To use a project-specific PHP binary for a local application, simply click on the PHP version in the footer of the Tinkerwell app and select the PHP binary that you want to use. In case that your PHP versions have an alias like php80 or php82 like they do when you are running Laravel Herd, you can also add the alias instead of the full path.

Project-specific PHP settings

Remote applications via SSH

On remote connections, Tinkerwell runs PHP with the php alias. So if you need to use a different PHP version for this project and there are multiple PHP binaries on the remote server, you can select the path or alias in the settings if the remote connection.

SSH Connection Manager