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Hey! You are currently looking at the documentation for Tinkerwell 2. The latest version of the documentation is available here.


Tinkerwell allows you to securely connect to any remote PHP application via SSH.

To connect Tinkerwell to one of your applications, you can open the SSH connection window by clicking the connection icon in the toolbar or choose "Action / Connect via SSH" from the application menu.

Tip: Are you using Laravel Forge? You can setup your Forge SSH key in the application settings to automatically import all available sites you can connect to.

In the SSH connection manager you can create new SSH connections or preload existing connections.

To create a new connection, add your remote host information in the given input fields.
The label can be freely chosen and will be used in the table on the right so that you can quickly identify your available SSH connections.

Make sure that you select the correct application folder on your remote server, so that Tinkerwell can run your PHP code in the correct working directory/application.

Once you are connected to a remote server, the Tinkerwell status bar will indicate it by prefixing your connection Label with "SSH -":

To disconnect your SSH connection in Tinkerwell, you can click on the connection icon in the toolbar again.